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Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure
Foro del juego
  • Trucos y Guías

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Foro Digimon Adventure
Por Hhkaal4167341
Hace 11 años / Respuestas: 0 / Lecturas: 3397

Digimon Adventure - Trucos y guías: Traducción del menú principal y del menú de combate

[u][b]Menú Principal[/b][/u]

1. [b]Items[/b][list]
[*] Use
-Description: Use an Item
[*] Synthesis
-Description: Synthesize using materials to create a new item from acquired Item recipes
[*] Materials
-Description: View all your materials that you have acquired

2. [b]Digipiece[/b]
[*] Equipment
-Description: Access the Skill Panel of each Digimon and equip new Digipieces onto them
[*] Synthesis
-Description: Synthesize using materials to create a new Digipiece from acquired Digipiece recipes
[*] Disassemble
-Description: Disassemble Digipieces back into materials that can be reused again
[*] Materials
-Description: View all your materials that you have acquired

3. [b]Status[/b][list]
[*] Digimon
-Description: Click each of the Digimon to access their Kizuna Rank and Tech List
[*] Tech List
-Description: After clicking a Digimon, the first option is the Tech List, what abilities your Digimon have. The first 3 are their natural skills, and the latter 3 are skills that have been put onto them via the Digipiece menu.
[*] Kizuna Rank
-Description: After clicking a Digimon, the second option is the Kizuna Rank. This shows you how your relationship is with the other Chosen Children.

4. [b]Party[/b][list]
[*] Chosen Children/Digimon
-Description: Click on a non-leader party member to get two new options
[*] Member
-Description: The first option allows you to change party members
[*] Strategy
-Description: Changes the non-leader party member to a different battle strategy including manual which allows the player to control them
TL note: I don't have a good accurate translation of the Strategy menu but All you need to know is, the first option is "[b]Manual[/b]" and by default, everyone needs to be changed to it at least once unless you want the AI to fight on their own

5. [b]Library[/b]
[*] Digimon Encyclopedia
-Description: Allows you to view any information on any Digimon you have seen before.
[*] Episode
-Description: A summary of previous episodes that the player has completed.
[*] Movie
-Description: Watch previously seen movies. (ie, opening movie, evolution scenes, etc)
[*] Tutorial
-Description: View Previously seen Tutorials

[u][b]Menú de Combate[/b][/u]

O - Select
X - Back
L - Shinka (Digivolve)
Center - Attack
Up - Guard
Left - Item
Right - Trick / Technique (E.g. Pepper Breath / Baby Flame)
Down - Run Away
R - Strategy (Can set the AI for the other 2 partner digimon)
Strategy Menu
1. Manual (Can Control them manually)
2. Fast Attack (Very Aggressive)
3. Stick to Support
4. Prioritize HP
5. Act Freely
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