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Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
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Foro Red Dead Redemption
Por Renzopbcr308
Hace 13 años / Respuestas: 2 / Lecturas: 5641

Red Dead Redemption: Lista de Misiones.

La lista de misiones de RDR. No os parecen pocas?

New Austin Chapter

+John Marston
  .Exodus in America
  .New Friends, Old Problems

+Bonnie MacFarlane
  .Obstacles in Our Path
  .This is Armadillo, USA
  .Women and Cattle
  .Wild Horses, Tamed Passions
  .A Tempest Looms
  .The Burning

+Leigh Johnson
  .Political Realities in Armadillo
  .Justice in Pike's Basin
  .Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit
  .Hanging of Bonnie MacFarlane

+Nigel West Dickens
  .Old Swindler Blues
  .You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit
  .Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans
  .Can a Swindler Change His Spots?
  .The Sport of Kings and Liars

+Seth Briars
  .Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies
  .A Gentle Drive With Friends
  .Let the Dead Bury Their Dead

  .A Frenchman, a Welshman and an Irishman
  .Man is Born Unto Trouble
  .On Shaky's Ground

+Fort Mercer
  .The Assault on Fort Mercer
  .We Shall be Together In Paradise

Nuevo Paraiso Chapter

+Captain De Santa
  .Civilization at any Price
  .The Demon Drink
  .Empty Promises
  .Mexican Caesar
  .Cowards Die Many Times

+Landon Ricketts
  .The Gunslinger's Tragedy
  .Landon Ricketts Rides Again
  .Lucky In Love
  .The Mexican Wagon Train

+Luisa Fortuna
  .My Sister's Keeper
  .Must a Saviour Die?
  .Father Abraham
  .Captain De Santa's Downfall

+Abraham Reyes
  .The Great Mexican Train Robbery
  .The Gates of El Presido
  .An Appointed Time

West Elizabeth Chapter

+Edgar Ross
  .Bear One Another's Burdens
  .Great Men Are Not Always Wise
  .And You Will Know The Truth
  .And The Truth Will Set You Free

+Professor Harold MacDougal
  .At Home With Dutch
  .For Purely Scientific Reasons
  .The Prodigal Son Returns (To Yale)

Marston Ranch Chapter

+Marston Ranch
  .The Outlaw's Return

  .By Sweat And Toil
  .A Continual Feast
  .Spare The Love Spoil The Child

+Abigail Marston
  .Old Friends, New Problems

+Jack Marston
  .John Marston And Son
  .Wolves, Dogs And Sons
  .The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed

Random encounters

  .Remember My Family.
RANDY164Hace 13 años1
Uiss pos el juego al parecer es bien largoo    jaja saven cuanto dura el juego mas o menos ??   
estoy deceando que llege mañana para hacerme con el  
Markitos1351407Hace 13 años2
Mas o menos las mismas que en el GTA 4.
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Foros > Red Dead Redemption > Lista de Misiones.

Hay 2 respuestas en Lista de Misiones., del foro de Red Dead Redemption. Último comentario hace 13 años.

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