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Etrian Odyssey
Etrian Odyssey
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Foro Etrian Odyssey
Por Poketmaster469
Hace 15 años / Respuestas: 0 / Lecturas: 608

Etrian Odyssey: Primevil 30 piso

Tiene una serie de atakes que no deves olvidar jeje
se puede vencer con otros personajes pero lo mas recomendable es 
Description:The Labyrinth's core which erected the Claret Hollows to protect
Drops:Demon Core
Weakness:Physical and elemental attacks
Strengths:Binds,Status Ailments,OHKO
Recommended Level:High 60s or 70
Strategy:First of all you must follow the pattern that I show you. You can only
have one buff on or else it will randomize. His attacks are really strong. 
Attacks like slash can kill usually one of your party members. You should bring
a lot of Axcela IIIs so your Medic can use boosted immunize. If you have 
boosted immunize his attacks are nothing. You need a protector that has Lvl 5 
Anti-cold,Anti-fire and Anti-volt. He is weak to all 6 elements of attacks. 
Binds and status ailments don't work well so a hexer may be useless. You must
follow this pattern:

(P)=Protector (M)=Medic(Your medic should use boosted immunize.)

01 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
02 - 
03 - 
04 - 
05 - (P) Antivolt 
06 - (P) Antifire 
07 - (P) Anticold / (M) Immunize 
08 - 
09 - (P) Antivolt 
10 - 
11 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
12 - 
13 - (P) Anticold 
14 - 
15 - 
16 - (P) Antifire 
17 - (P) Antivolt / (M) Immunize 
18 - 
19 - (P) Anticold 
20 - 
21 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
22 - 
23 - 
24 - 
25 - (P) Anticold 
26 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
27 - 
28 - 
29 - (P) Antivolt 
30 - 
31 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
32 - 
33 - (P) Antivolt 
34 - 
35 - 
36 - (P) Antifire 
37 - (P) Anticold / (M) Immunize 
38 - 
39 - 
40 - 
41 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
42 - 
43 - (P) Anticold 
44 - 
45 - (P) Antivolt 
46 - (P) Antifire / (M) Immunize 
47 - 
48 - 
49 - (P) Anticold 
50 - 

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Foros > Etrian Odyssey > Primevil 30 piso

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