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Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
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Foro Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Por HiImSora3
Hace 6 años / Respuestas: 1 / Lecturas: 488

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization: Ayuda Orden Enigma Escudo

Alguien podria decirme la localizacion de la quest "El inmortal" es la ultima de la orden enigma del escudo y si tiene requisitos para su spawn. Gracias.
Juan-Xdxd69Hace 6 años1
[spoiler="Inglés"]Fantastic Beast and where to find them:
*Most of it are spawn randomly, you only need to wait for its spawn. But there's some that needed to clear events fragment to spawn them. Just to make it sure, clear every event fragment on the zone I said 
1. Deathbearers - Kikoth Excavation
2. Defiled Blades - Acropovale Ruins (Clear events fragment from Acropovale Ruins and Gardens of Calamity)
3. Ensorcelled Evil - Blazerock Outer Wall (Clear events fragment from Blazerock Outer Wall, Kikoth Excavation and Bardette City)
4. Heat Miser - Bardette City
5. Hidden Menace - Blazerock Fortress
6. History Repeating - Magmatite Research Site
7. It Came From Beyond - Asham Extractor
8. The Colossal - Gardens of Calamity
[u][b]9. The Immortals - Clastdale Caves[/b][/u]  -->  ([url][/url])
10. The Trespasser - The Blazing Corridor (Clear events fragment from The Blazing Corridor and Asham Extractor)[b][/b][/spoiler]

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Foros > Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization > Ayuda Orden Enigma Escudo

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