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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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Foro Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Por Arkass921245
Hace 12 años / Respuestas: 34 / Lecturas: 5853

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Trucos y guías: Ventajas y Rachas MW3 99% confirmadas. Leer POST + 2o comentario

Vi en un video de [b]Woodys Gamertag[/b], obligado a ser retirado tansolo unos minutos después, en el que se habían filtrado las ventajas y su PRO.

Si no me queréis hacer caso (y reconozco que puedo haberme equivocado de lugar de la ventaja) no me lo hagáis, pero se IW ha obligado a un comentarista tan famoso a eliminar su vídeo, será por algo.

Así pues, empiezo:

[b]Ventaja 1[/b]
Prestidigitación (Recarga rápida) - PRO [spoiler]Cambio de arma más rápido[/spoiler]
Blast Shield (Parecido al chaleco) - PRO [spoiler]Parecido al Máscara táctica PRO del Black Ops, no afectan las granadas tácticas[/spoiler]
Condicionamiento extremo (Corres más, NO INFINITO) - PRO [spoiler]Escalas más rápido[/spoiler]
[u]No sé el nombre (No afectan los UAV's) - PRO [spoiler]No visible en mirillas térmicas ni torretas..etc[/spoiler][/u] Creo que era así, en las Ventajas " hay una muy parecida
Carroñero (Coges munición del suelo) - PRO [spoiler]Empiezas con más munición[/spoiler]

[b]Ventaja 2[/b]
Exceso de medios (Dos armas principales) - PRO [spoiler]Dos accesorios para 2a arma[/spoiler]
Fantasma (No entiendo su funcionamiento ya que había algo parecido en el primer SLOT. Al parecer al llevar esto serías invisible al máximo
XXXXXX (El tiempo entre lanzar granadas y recuperarte para volver a disparar se acorta) - PRO (no la recuerdo)
Rapidez ADS (Apuntar más rápido) - PRO (Tampoco la recuerdo)
Línea Dura (1 baja menos necesaria) - PRO [spoiler]2 asistencias = 1 baja[/spoiler]

[b]Ventaja 3[/b]
Sitrep (Ves los equipos enemigos) - PRO (No lo recuerdo)
Puntería estable (Precision desde la cadera aumenta) - PRO [spoiler]Apuntas más rápido después de esprintar[/spoiler]
Ninja (Silencioso) - PRO [spoiler]No te dañas por caídas[/spoiler]
Si me acuerdo de las otras dos lo pondré

Quiero aclarar que fue un vídeo que vi 26 minutos después que fuera colgado, y se eliminó poco más tarde. Lo que no recuerdo no puedo saberlo a no ser que me llegue una inspiración divina y me acuerde. Me sabe mal no poderos ponerlo todo, la verdad es que de haber sabido que lo quitaban hubiese hecho un imprimir pantalla. El vídeo fue el miércoles o el jueves colgado.
EDITADO EL 20-08-2011 / 20:51 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Itachi-sama678Hace 12 años1
Si es verdad son las mismas que las del mw1 mw2 y el black ops 
VIPER177Hace 12 años2
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Si es verdad son las mismas que las del mw1 mw2 y el black ops
es una mezcla de las dos, no cambia casi nada
Hace 12 años3
[i]La verdad de todas las especulaciones ... la tuya es la mas creíble hasta ahora  
Lo digo por que algunas como condicionamento extremo , se vio en el modo survival 
Y porque Activision ya decía que su Modern Warfare 3 iba a ser la combinación de lo mejor que todos los CoD hasta ahora 
Alegría por que al parecer nos hemos librado de "Last Stand"  y porque la verdad todas las que tu mencionas son mis preferidas alrededor de estos años como fan de COD 
Te llevas mi +1 , y espero que esto sea de verdad [/i]
Hace 12 años4
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Mostrar cita
Si es verdad son las mismas que las del mw1 mw2 y el black ops
es una mezcla de las dos, no cambia casi nada
[i]Eso es algo que ya se sabia , ellos dijeron que iba a ser un mezcla de lo mejor de los CoD's de toda la historia [/i]
Hace 12 años5
Problem [i]Segunda Oportunidad/Última Batalla?[/i]  
Beda88946432Hace 12 años6
Guauu!! pedazo novedades que trae MW3 [size=5]ironía[/size]
Kim78615Hace 12 años7
El amigo nos ha dicho que no las sabe todas asi k puede k en realidad si haya 
Moonlight982185Hace 12 años8
No se hasta no ver la CODXP no me creo nada.
Titiman743Hace 12 años9
Pues si esto es verdad ya tengo nueva clase de Francotirador

[b]M40a1[/b] Con Cargadores Extendidos
[b]Striker[/b] Con Mira de Punto Rojo


Rapidez ADS
Punteria Estable
Saints-4ever4425Hace 12 años10
Creo recordar que Condicionamiento extremo es Ventaja 3, no 1.
EDITADO EL 20-08-2011 / 18:42 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
Joysep466Hace 12 años11
Ninja PRO, es como Comando PRO, tomaa.
M12341351Hace 12 años12
Es de las mas fiables entre todas las que he visto    las ventajas estan mejor organizadas que en mw2...han eliminado ventajas como F.V.. pero tambien han cambiado los pros de algunas como prestidigitacion.. por fin podremos salir del carroñero/fuerzavulerante/comando xd
Bioesca1224Hace 12 años13
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Guauu!! pedazo novedades que trae MW3 [size=5]ironía[/size]
guauuu que buen aporte haces, estaras orgulloso de ti mismo PD si tambien es ironia . No me gusta eso de fantasma i la otra para ser tambien invisible, ya estoy viendo la gene cn estas dos cosas mas ninja mas silenciador entre los matojos, esquinas,detras de coches, en tubos...
Arkass921245Hace 12 años14
Buscando en los comentarios de un vídeo nuevo de Woodys Gamertag he encontrado a un suscriptor que decía que pusiésemos algo en Google. Lo he puesto y según el primer resultado, la página The Tech Game es la que más aciertos ha tenido en temas de filtraciones, es decir, que por lo visto las filtraciones que hay allí son verídicas casi al 100%.

Si os fijais, en el tema de las ventajas cuadra todo con lo que yo había dicho, que repito era todo de memoria. Pongo un copia y pega en inglés, ahora voy a currar y cuando vuelva intentaré pasar lo más importante al español, que hasta las 2 de la mañana no llego a casa del curro. Gracias por todos los +1!!

[i]For anyone who wants to talk to me about the thread, i am willing to talk to you. 

GT: Fear Fyah 

If your someone who thinks its fake, read the whole thread and try reading the comments, dont just say its fake before you have read anything. 

I know this is a long read but nearly all of it is important information, so its best you do read it. You dont have too but dont say its fake until you have read it all, like i said. 

This information is 100% legit, some of you probably wont believe it but thats you're choice and you will see its legit when the game comes out. In the perk video, the guy has just under half a million followers on youtube. The guy who made the killstreaks video however, dosent have many followers but its confirmed by the guy who made the video about the perks that hes legit. 

I have deleted the youtube links because they were removed due to copywrite which proves they were legit because there are other leaked info vids that have been on youtube for months but these videos got removed by activision in a few hours 

The killstreaks look crazy as ****, Looks interesting and fun but im also sure there will be some very annoying and overpowered killstreaks. 

Death streaks look like there gonna be annoying as **** too. 

There are 3 Seperate killstreak tiers, you have to choose which tier you want to choose you're 3 killstreaks from but if you choose the last tier, you just get exactly what it sais.

Assault Killstreaks 

4 Kills - Care Package 
5 Kills - IMS - 3 or 4 placeable landmines that cannot be stunned or flashed 
5 Kills - Predator Missile 
5 Kills - Sentry Gun 
6 Kills - Precision Airstrike 
7 Kills - Attack Helicopter 
7 Kills - Little Bird Flock - Mini Helicopters which patrol the map 
9 Kills - Little Bird Guard - Big Helicopter that follows you from above and protects you 
9 Kills - Mortar team - Mortar team but with 5 predator missiles - all go off at the same time in different places 
10 Kills - Talcon - Mini Tank Robot 
12 Kills - AC130 
12 Kills - Pavelow 
15 Kills - Juggernaught Suit - From spec Ops ( for anyone who sais in the spec ops video he gets it at 14 kills, well thats because he has hardline on) 
15 Kills - Osprey Gunner Cps - You control a chopper gunner that also drops an emergency airdrop for your team mates. 

Support Killstreaks 

4 Kills - UAV 
5 Kills - Counter UAV 
5 Kills - Ballistic Duffel - Drop Juggernaught perk for the whole team, not jugg suit 
5 Kills - Airdrop Trap - Drops a hacked care package 
8 Kills - Sam Turret 
10 Kills - Remote UAV - Target enemies with missiles 
12 Kills - Advanced UAV - Blackbird 
12 Kills - Remote Turret - Sentry Gun that you can control 
12 Kills - Stealth Bomber 
18 Kills - EMP 
18 Kills - Juggernaught Recon Armour - Care Package Drop Armour 
18 Kills - Escort Airdrop - Same as the Osprey Gunner but you dont control the gunner or chopper and Drops 5 care packages, one will be hacked 

Specialist Killstreaks: 

2 Kills - You get 1 extra perk 
4 Kills - Get another perk 
6 Kills - Get another perk 

Yes, you do get to choose the perk you get each time. 

Another thing is the killstreaks will cycle through in the same life, so you dont have to die to reset your killstreaks and get your first killstreak again. 


Juiced - Lightweight - 4 Deaths 
Martyrdom - 4 Deaths 
Final Stand - 4 Deaths 
Revenge - Last person that killed you is always visible on your mini map - 5 Deaths 
Stopping power for one kill - 5 Deaths 
Dead Mans Hand - You run around with c4 in your hand (suicide bomber) - 6 Deaths 


Plus = With Pro added 

Tier 1 

Extreme Conditioning - Sprint longer distances + Climb obstacles faster 
Sleight Of Hand - Reload faster + Faster weapon swapping 
Scavanger - Reload ammo from bags + Spawn with more ammo 
Blind Eye - Undetectable from air support + Faster launcher lock on and extra damage to air support 
Recon - Explosive damage marks target on HUD + Bullet damage marks target on HUD 

Tier 2 

Hardline - One less kill for Killstreak + Two assists count as a kill towards next killstreak 
Assassin - Immune to UAV, Motion Sensor, Thermal and Heartbeat Sensor + Immune to CUAV & EMP 
Overkill - Two primary weapons + Second primary can have 2 attachments 
Quickdraw - Faster aim down sights + Faster animation of using equipment and throwing grenade 
Blastshield - Flack Jacket (Immune to most explosives) + Immune to stuns and flashes 

Tier 3 

Sitrep - Enemy equipment is visible + Enemy footsteps are more clear 
Dead Silence - Your footsteps are silent + No fall damage 
Stalker - Faster movement with ADS + Delay on claymores 
Marksman - ID target from range + Longer hold breath on scoped weapons 
Steady Aim - Increased hip fire accuracy + Faster aim down sight while sprinting 

Found another perk video but will get removed eventually, so watch it quick. 

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There is also going to be a new killstreak system, called the point system. You will earn killstreaks from assists and playing the objective (things like defusing the bomb and capturing a flag) aswell as from kills. 

Not sure what this means regarding how many kills you need for different killstreaks but im guessing you wont always need exaclty 4 kills for a UAV because sometimes you will earn points towards the UAV by getting assists or playing the objective. 

Thanks to Woodysgamertag for posting the link to this thread in his livestream! 

A sticky would be nice for all my effort. 

If you found it helpfull aswell, then thank the topic! 

Please comment your opinions on the new perks and killstreaks(if you think it will be good or bad for the game.) 

Update for the people who think this is fake: 

FearFyaa wrote:
studentjoe wrote:
Robert Bowling is very careful to choose his words. 

While it is true he stated there is not stopping power perks in MW3, he specifically said PERKS, not deathstreaks... 

So while you might initially interpret what he confirms/denies as one thing, have a second look at what he says. 

Thanks to the guy who got this image, he clearly says it wont return as a perk. He knows that it will return as a dethstreak though. If it wasent returning at all, he would of just said there is no stopping power in MW3. You guys are seriously just trying to believe this is fake but its not, everything adds up. I wont be able to give you proof that will completely change your mind because i dont have it but the intellegent ones will see this is real.

More proof: 

FearFyaa wrote:
I just found more proof, note in this video, at the part where he has landmines that when he gets the kill with the landmine, the bar on the far right resets to four rectangles. Well thats because his killstreaks reset. They reset back to the mines again which are called the IMS killstreak, which on my thread i know it sais that the IMS killstreak is a 5 killstreak but like ive said a million times, the guy in this video has hardline on. So it proves that those landmines are a 5 killstreak, now if you still dont believe this thread, i dont know what to say to you. Look at 46 seconds to 1:42 

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Last edited by FearFyaa 9 hours, 34 minutes ago; edited 24 times in total[/i]
Hace 12 años15
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Buscando en los comentarios de un vídeo nuevo de Woodys Gamertag he encontrado a un suscriptor que decía que pusiésemos algo en Google. Lo he puesto y según el primer resultado, la página The Tech Game es la que más aciertos ha tenido en temas de filtraciones, es decir, que por lo visto las filtraciones que hay allí son verídicas casi al 100%. Si os fijais, en el tema de las ventajas cuadra todo con lo que yo había dicho, que repito era todo de memoria. Pongo un copia y pega en inglés, ahora voy a currar y cuando vuelva intentaré pasar lo más importante al español, que hasta las 2 de la mañana no llego a casa del curro. Gracias por todos los +1!! [i]For anyone who wants to talk to me about the thread, i am willing to talk to you. GT: Fear Fyah If your someone who thinks its fake, read the whole thread and try reading the comments, dont just say its fake before you have read anything. I know this is a long read but nearly all of it is important information, so its best you do read it. You dont have too but dont say its fake until you have read it all, like i said. This information is 100% legit, some of you probably wont believe it but thats you're choice and you will see its legit when the game comes out. In the perk video, the guy has just under half a million followers on youtube. The guy who made the killstreaks video however, dosent have many followers but its confirmed by the guy who made the video about the perks that hes legit. I have deleted the youtube links because they were removed due to copywrite which proves they were legit because there are other leaked info vids that have been on youtube for months but these videos got removed by activision in a few hours The killstreaks look crazy as ****, Looks interesting and fun but im also sure there will be some very annoying and overpowered killstreaks. Death streaks look like there gonna be annoying as **** too. There are 3 Seperate killstreak tiers, you have to choose which tier you want to choose you're 3 killstreaks from but if you choose the last tier, you just get exactly what it sais. Assault Killstreaks 4 Kills - Care Package 5 Kills - IMS - 3 or 4 placeable landmines that cannot be stunned or flashed 5 Kills - Predator Missile 5 Kills - Sentry Gun 6 Kills - Precision Airstrike 7 Kills - Attack Helicopter 7 Kills - Little Bird Flock - Mini Helicopters which patrol the map 9 Kills - Little Bird Guard - Big Helicopter that follows you from above and protects you 9 Kills - Mortar team - Mortar team but with 5 predator missiles - all go off at the same time in different places 10 Kills - Talcon - Mini Tank Robot 12 Kills - AC130 12 Kills - Pavelow 15 Kills - Juggernaught Suit - From spec Ops ( for anyone who sais in the spec ops video he gets it at 14 kills, well thats because he has hardline on) 15 Kills - Osprey Gunner Cps - You control a chopper gunner that also drops an emergency airdrop for your team mates. Support Killstreaks 4 Kills - UAV 5 Kills - Counter UAV 5 Kills - Ballistic Duffel - Drop Juggernaught perk for the whole team, not jugg suit 5 Kills - Airdrop Trap - Drops a hacked care package 8 Kills - Sam Turret 10 Kills - Remote UAV - Target enemies with missiles 12 Kills - Advanced UAV - Blackbird 12 Kills - Remote Turret - Sentry Gun that you can control 12 Kills - Stealth Bomber 18 Kills - EMP 18 Kills - Juggernaught Recon Armour - Care Package Drop Armour 18 Kills - Escort Airdrop - Same as the Osprey Gunner but you dont control the gunner or chopper and Drops 5 care packages, one will be hacked Specialist Killstreaks: 2 Kills - You get 1 extra perk 4 Kills - Get another perk 6 Kills - Get another perk Yes, you do get to choose the perk you get each time. Another thing is the killstreaks will cycle through in the same life, so you dont have to die to reset your killstreaks and get your first killstreak again. DeathStreaks Juiced - Lightweight - 4 Deaths Martyrdom - 4 Deaths Final Stand - 4 Deaths Revenge - Last person that killed you is always visible on your mini map - 5 Deaths Stopping power for one kill - 5 Deaths Dead Mans Hand - You run around with c4 in your hand (suicide bomber) - 6 Deaths Perks Plus = With Pro added Tier 1 Extreme Conditioning - Sprint longer distances + Climb obstacles faster Sleight Of Hand - Reload faster + Faster weapon swapping Scavanger - Reload ammo from bags + Spawn with more ammo Blind Eye - Undetectable from air support + Faster launcher lock on and extra damage to air support Recon - Explosive damage marks target on HUD + Bullet damage marks target on HUD Tier 2 Hardline - One less kill for Killstreak + Two assists count as a kill towards next killstreak Assassin - Immune to UAV, Motion Sensor, Thermal and Heartbeat Sensor + Immune to CUAV & EMP Overkill - Two primary weapons + Second primary can have 2 attachments Quickdraw - Faster aim down sights + Faster animation of using equipment and throwing grenade Blastshield - Flack Jacket (Immune to most explosives) + Immune to stuns and flashes Tier 3 Sitrep - Enemy equipment is visible + Enemy footsteps are more clear Dead Silence - Your footsteps are silent + No fall damage Stalker - Faster movement with ADS + Delay on claymores Marksman - ID target from range + Longer hold breath on scoped weapons Steady Aim - Increased hip fire accuracy + Faster aim down sight while sprinting Found another perk video but will get removed eventually, so watch it quick. [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] There is also going to be a new killstreak system, called the point system. You will earn killstreaks from assists and playing the objective (things like defusing the bomb and capturing a flag) aswell as from kills. Not sure what this means regarding how many kills you need for different killstreaks but im guessing you wont always need exaclty 4 kills for a UAV because sometimes you will earn points towards the UAV by getting assists or playing the objective. Thanks to Woodysgamertag for posting the link to this thread in his livestream! A sticky would be nice for all my effort. If you found it helpfull aswell, then thank the topic! Please comment your opinions on the new perks and killstreaks(if you think it will be good or bad for the game.) Update for the people who think this is fake: FearFyaa wrote: studentjoe wrote: Robert Bowling is very careful to choose his words. While it is true he stated there is not stopping power perks in MW3, he specifically said PERKS, not deathstreaks... So while you might initially interpret what he confirms/denies as one thing, have a second look at what he says. Thanks to the guy who got this image, he clearly says it wont return as a perk. He knows that it will return as a dethstreak though. If it wasent returning at all, he would of just said there is no stopping power in MW3. You guys are seriously just trying to believe this is fake but its not, everything adds up. I wont be able to give you proof that will completely change your mind because i dont have it but the intellegent ones will see this is real. More proof: FearFyaa wrote: I just found more proof, note in this video, at the part where he has landmines that when he gets the kill with the landmine, the bar on the far right resets to four rectangles. Well thats because his killstreaks reset. They reset back to the mines again which are called the IMS killstreak, which on my thread i know it sais that the IMS killstreak is a 5 killstreak but like ive said a million times, the guy in this video has hardline on. So it proves that those landmines are a 5 killstreak, now if you still dont believe this thread, i dont know what to say to you. Look at 46 seconds to 1:42 [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] Last edited by FearFyaa 9 hours, 34 minutes ago; edited 24 times in total[/i]
no se supone k las rachas seran por puntos ademas no me creo nada de lo k pusiste
EDITADO EL 20-08-2011 / 21:17 (EDITADO 1 VEZ)
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Foros > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 > Ventajas y Rachas MW3 99% confirmadas. Leer POST + 2o comentario

Hay 34 respuestas en Ventajas y Rachas MW3 99% confirmadas. Leer POST + 2o comentario, del foro de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Último comentario hace 12 años.

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